DJI Digital FPV Goggles用アナログ受信機アダプターV3.0
DJI DigitalゴーグルにFATSHARK用のモジュールを装着できるアダプター!
外部入力により5.8Ghz ダイバシティビデオレシーバーでアナログ用電波を利用できます!
this is not a Fat Shark product.
The board hooks into the 3.5mm input jack on the goggles which in turn transfers video and audio signals from the external analog receiver to the high-quality screen of DJI FPV goggles for viewing! (Or even recording the analog footage with the new DJI firmware ).
This compact and affordable adapter is easy to install and won't void your warranty!
Input Voltage: 2S-4S (DC5.5x2.1mm)
Internal Voltage: 5V 3A (with pad output)
Output Voltage: 2S-4S (DC 5.5x2.1mm)
Signal Input: Standard Fat Shark Receiver Port
Including third-party receivers: Realacc, Furious, etc.
Signal output: standard audio / video
Dimension: 48x28x12mm
Weight: 10g (without extension cable)